Good Deed for March, help out our community by admin
admin | Blog | 20 Sep 2019 | 994
I recently had a call from a client (Angela of Nth. Plympton)) wishing to hire a skip. When I told her the price she said it was too much for a disabled pensioner, and she could not afford it. As she was telling me why, she broke down in tears. She just had some bad news from the RAH and was put on the waiting list for a medical condition, in which she had to wait up to six years to be operated on. I felt her pain seeing what my mother has gone through, I suggested an alternate solution.
The next day I went to collect a skip from a client at Northgate, which was less than ½ full. I asked whether they had finished, and the client’s father said yes. I asked if he would like to help out a disabled pensioner by filling the remainder of the skip, which he was more than happy to do. I contacted Angela with the good news and delivered it to her on the next day. The thanks and joy it gave was overwhelming. It’s good to see a smile on her face.